Posts Tagged ‘Node.js’

In the previous few posts we have discussed on Promise in JavaScript and how it helps to solve the issues related to callbacks resulting in more readable and maintainable code.In this post we will discuss on the async and await keywords which are nothing but a syntactic sugar coat on Promise leading to a more streamlined and maintainable code.

The async functions are declared with the async keyword and await keyword is permitted within the async functions.

The async functions always returns a Promise object which will be:

  • Resolved with the value returned by async function
  • Rejected with the exception thrown by the async function.

We have defined a very simple async function below which returns the square of its input.


This function will return a Promise which will resolve with a square of its input value and will be rejected if the input value is negative.


The above program will have the following output:


If we pass a negative value then the Promise will be rejected as shown below.



So this async function is quite similar to the following:


Note, that using the async keyword will simplify the above code to a great extent.

The await keyword is permitted only within an async function and is used to wait on an Promise or any other value. If it’s waiting on an Promise the return value will be the fulfilled value of a Promise or any other value.

We have created a promisified version of the squared function as shown below.


We will now use await keyword and invoke this from an async function as shown below:


This code will print the following clearly indicating that await call is waiting about 1 sec for the Promise to get resolved.


If we invoke this with a negative value it will have the following output:



This is because await keyword throws the rejected value of the Promise which should be handled properly as shown below:


    In the last post, we have seen how we can sequentially execute promises using Promise chaining via the Promise.resolve and Array.prototype.reduce functions. In this post, we will see how we can execute the promises in parallel using the Promise.all function.

    As per documentation the Promise.all does the following:

    The Promise.all() method takes an iterable of promises as an input, and returns a single Promise that resolves to an array of the results of the input promises. This returned promise will resolve when all of the input’s promises have resolved, or if the input iterable contains no promises. It rejects immediately upon any of the input promises rejecting or non-promises throwing an error, and will reject with this first rejection message / error.

    We will use the similar tasks as we had used in the previous post but here we will go for parallel execution instead of sequential.




    Note that Task3 has minimum timeout period and Task2 has maximum.

    Now we will create an array (iterable) of promises by executing these three tasks with an input value.


    We will invoke the Promise.all method using this promises array.


    The output will be as follows:


    The timings clearly shows that:

    • Tasks are started and executed almost in parallel
    • Task3 is completed early , followed by Task1 and then Task2 based on their timeout interval of the setTimeout function.
    • The returned promise i.e. aggrPromise is resolved when all input promises are resolved and the results are printed as per their order in the input array.


    The returned promise rejects immediately if any of the input promises is rejected. We will examine this by passing a negative value to the third function as shown below:


    The output will be as follows:


    We can see that both Task1 and Task2 are completed but the resultant promise rejects immediately with the error message.


    In the previous post, we have seen Promises can be chained together by returning another Promise object from the onFulfilled parameter of the then function. The chain of Promises executes sequentially. So we can easily build a sequential execution workflow by building a chain of Promises. But before getting into there we will take a detour and examine the Promise.resolve and Array.prototype.reduce functions.

    As per documentation, Promise.resolve does the following:

    The Promise.resolve(value) method returns a Promise object that is resolved with a given value. If the value is a promise, that promise is returned; if the value is a thenable (i.e. has a "then" method), the returned promise will "follow" that thenable, adopting its eventual state; otherwise the returned promise will be fulfilled with the value.

    Let’s quickly check this out with few code snippets.


    Here the parameter value is a number and returned promise will be fulfilled with the value as shown below:


    Next, we will pass a thenable as parameter, thenable is an object with a then function. Note, all promises are thenables but all thenables are not promise.


    Here the returned Promise object will follow the thenable and execute the then function as shown below:


    In the code below we are passing a Promise object to the resolve function and it will be fulfilled executing the resolve callback as shown below:



    Lastly, we will invoke the resolve function without passing any value.



    So the call to the resolve function without passing any value returns a Promise object which auto resolves without any data ( undefined ). Please note this, as we will use this Promise.resolve() call to initialize our Promise chain while prepare for sequential execution.

    As per documentation, Array.prototype.reduce does the following:

    The reduce() method executes a user-supplied “reducer” callback function on each element of the array, passing in the return value from the calculation on the preceding element. The final result of running the reducer across all elements of the array is a single value.

    The definition of the reduce function is as follows:

    • reduce(callbackFn)
    • reduce(callbackFn, initialValue)

    The callback or reducer function accepts the following arguments:

    • previousValue (the value resulting from the previous call to callback or reducer function)
    • currentValue (the value of the current element)
    • currentIndex [Optional]
    • array [ Optional ]

    The following example shows a simple usage of the reduce function to compute sum of the elements of an array of numbers.


    We will now use the Promise.resolve and Array.prototype.reduce functions to execute an array of promises in sequence.

    We have defined three functions returning Promises as shown below.




    The array tasks contains the above functions as it’s elements.


    Now we will chain these promises together using the reduce function as shown below:


    The execution of this code will print the following:


    The timings clearly indicates a sequential execution. But we can see that the result of the last task is not printed. This is because the then function is not called on the Promise object that is returned by the reduce function.

    If we add the following lines of code we can all results will get printed properly as shown below.



    In the previous post, we have discussed about the basics of Promise, here we will take a deeper look into the Promise.then function.

    The code below shows the promisified version of the add function which simply adds two numbers.


    This will print the following as expected.


    In the previous post we have seen that the Promise.then function comes with the following signature Promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected). But what is the return value ? It returns another Promise object.

    So what does the returned Promise object do in the code snippet above?. It does nothing but simply auto resolves without any data because the then function does not return anything.

    This can be verified by invoking the then function on the Promise object returned by the invocation of the then function of the addPromise.


    The output will be:


    The first then function does return anything so the Promise object returned auto-resolves with an undefined value.

    Now what happens if the then function returns a value? We have now changed the code so that then function of addPromise return the square of the result. Note, here we are returning simply a value not another Promise object.


    The output will be:


    The Promise object returned by then function call on addPromise auto-resolves with the returned value.

    So if a then function returns a value then the Promise object will simply auto resolve with the returned value.

    The then function returning another Promise object provides with the capability to chain the Promises and execute them in sequence as shown below:


    Here the flow of execution is as shown below:


    NOTE: This is completely differently from defining multiple then handlers for a promise.


    In the above code different handlers receive the same data from the resolve callback and execute parallelly.


    Now we will explore the condition where a then function returns another Promise object.

    We have created another promisified version of Math.pow as shown below.


    This Promise object is now returned instead of directly returning the value as shown below:


    In this case the next then function will be executed with the fulfilment value of the returned Promise object if it is resolved or, the rejection value / error will be processed in the catch.

    The above code will print the following:


    If we pass a negative value to powPromise object, the chain will break with an error as shown below.


    The above code will print the following:


    As we have discussed earlier callbacks are the basic building blocks of asynchronous programming in JavaScript/Node.js , they are used for notifying when an asynchronous operation is completed. But callbacks when used directly comes with a set of problems like Callback Hell and complex and less-maintainable code required to implement the asynchronous control flows from scratch ( obviously a library like async can be of help here).

    Promise(s) are considered to be the next step of improvement on top of bare continuation passing style (CPS) callbacks. Promise is an object that contains the status of an asynchronous operation and eventually the result ( success / failure). A Promise object has three states:

    • Pending – When the asynchronous operation is in-progress.
    • Fulfilled – When the asynchronous operation is successfully completed.
    • Rejected – When the asynchronous operation is terminated with an error.

    We need to use Promise.then method to receive and use the result of fulfilment or, error. The Promise.then method comes with the following signature Promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected).

    The Promise constructor creates a new Promise object accepting two function objects as input:

    new Promise(( resolve, reject ) => {….})

    • resolve (obj) – This function is invoked when the Promise is fulfilled.
    • reject (obj) – This function is invoked when the Promise is terminated with an error.

    We will start exploring Promise with it’s constructor and the “then” function. But first let’s start with an example with callback and then we will develop a Promise based version of the same.


    The code below shows the Promise based version of the greater than (gt) function. Here, the gtPromise function returns a new Promise object and the resolve callback is invoked in case of successful execution and reject callback is executed in case of an error.


    Now we need consume i.e. execute or use this Promise by passing the resolve and reject callbacks using the then function.


    We can refine the above code by using the Promise.catch(onRejected) which is nothing but a syntactic sugar coat on Promise.then (null, onRejected).


    In the above example we transformed a callback based function by returning a Promise object. This process is known as promisification.

    In the next post we will take a look into how promises can be chained together.

      A callback is a function which is passed as an argument to another function and invoked with the results generated after that function execution is completed. The result is propagated to the callback function instead of directly returning it.

      A very simple example of a function directly returning results and the same with callback is shown in the snippet below.


      Node.js makes use of callbacks as a way to notify about completion of asynchronous operations.Once an asynchronous operation is completed the callbacks are invoked with the results of the asynchronous operation.

      The code snippet given below performs the following tasks:

      • Download contents from a specified URL
        • This is done using the Needle http client
      • Make a directory if it does not exists
        • This is done using mkdirp, the Node.js version of mkdir – p. Note, I have used the deprecated version 0.5.0 to use the callback for demonstration purposes, the latest versions use promises.
      • Save the contents from the specified URL with a given file name


      In the above code you can see that nesting of the if-else blocks and in-place callback definitions are making the code hard to read and maintain. This problem will increase further with complexity of the tasks and deeper the levels of nesting. This problem is referred to as the “Callback Hell” or “Pyramid of Doom” in JavaScript ( as the code takes the form of a pyramid due to deep levels of nesting).

      This problem can be avoided by:

      • Following the early return principle i.e. returning from the control flow as early as possible.
      • Using named function definitions instead of in-place closures
      • Making the code more modular by extracting re-usable code into separate functions.

      The above code is refactored using the above guidelines. The tasks of directory checking / creation and writing to file is splitted into two named function as shown below:



      The function downloadFile is now the entry point. All the functions returns in case of any error avoiding the if-else nesting which was used earlier.
